Beast 8.1: Money = Power= Beast #1

In chapter 13 of Revelation, John reverts to passages from the book of Daniel ( Daniel)  that liken the great empires of the earth to beasts. You will recall that those beasts and the empires they represented were...

Revelation 13: 1 And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 

Notice that the beast is a composite of the leopard (Greece), bear (Persia) and lion (Babylon). So it draws upon the cultures of all the empires that have preceded it. Just about everyone who has ever offered an interpretation of these passages agrees it is Rome
Revelation 13:2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. 
The dragon his authority bestowed upon the beast
Men gathered round, upon that power to feast
With profanities and blasphemies ill concealed
Made war on them whom Jah with grace and truth had sealed
Did trespass make on Zion’s holy mount
Abomination there, a desecrating fount
Pollute the place where men did once atone
Of all that would expel them from Jah and his holy throne

Revelation 13:2 The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 
Now notice the reason why the nations of the earth worship the beast – the Roman Empire. 
Is it their admiration of his intellect, their love of his gentleness, their appreciation of his integrity and selfless generosity? 
The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

It is just that the Roman Empire is better at making war than they are. That gives it access to the wealth of the nations, which adds to its ability to make war.
So it is wealth and power, the ability to use the force of violence to take from others that is prized by humanity. 
But just to ensure the ardour of people is maintained, the beast has an admirer who causes everyone else to worship it.


Dragon took the sons of Eve, 
In their crippled minds a monster did conceive
Seven heads, ten horns each a king has his day
Three of gold, silver, bronze, the other iron mixed with clay

Another horn rose different, but like unto the rest
The power of the first three kings it did divest
Their gold silver bronze it did digest
Then went off to rape the earth and all who suckle at her breast

The dragon his authority bestowed upon the beast
Men gathered round, upon that power to feast
With profanities and blasphemies ill concealed
Made war on them whom Jah with grace and truth had sealed
Did trespass make on Zion’s holy mount
Abomination there, a desecrating fount
Pollute the place where men did once atone
Of all that would expel them from Jah and his holy throne

Dragon -> Money=Power -> Rulers = Beast #1